
Over-provisioning Exposed: The Hidden Costs of Inadequate Alerting

Uncover the financial drain of over-provisioning in cloud infrastructure.


Over-provisioning Exposed: The Hidden Costs of Inadequate Alerting

5 min. Read
21 September 2024

Cloud infrastructure forms the backbone of modern businesses, yet many are not utilizing it effectively. Our in-depth interviews with over 100 companies have unveiled a concerning pattern of potential financial drain due to inefficient resource management.

Surprising Findings

Our investigation revealed some seemingly contradictory data:

- 70% of businesses experience minimal downtime despite alarmingly low Alert Completeness (ALCOM) scores.

- A majority lack mechanisms to optimize alert thresholds, set up alerts for new services, or conduct automated audits for alert health.

- Surprisingly, 85% reported that infrastructure downtime wasn't their top concern.

These findings initially appeared inconsistent until we uncovered a hidden factor: over-provisioning. Many businesses are allocating excess resources to compensate for inadequate monitoring and alerting systems.

The True Cost of Over-provisioning

Over-provisioning is akin to keeping all lights on in a largely empty mansion. While it provides a buffer against downtime, it's a short-term fix with significant long-term implications:

- Direct financial costs from unused resources

- Undetected inefficiencies leading to cumbersome system architectures

- Masking of underlying issues that proper alerting systems could catch

Striking the Right Balance

The key to efficient operations lies in finding a middle ground between uptime and resource utilization. This balance starts with:

1. Accurately evaluating actual resource needs using insights from modern cloud platforms.

2. Implementing effective alert systems to catch issues preemptively.

A Systematic Approach to Alert Systems

To optimize alert systems:

1. Color-code Alert Zones:

  - Yellow (near capacity)

  - Red (risk of downtime)

  - Blue (underutilized)

  - Green (optimally sized)

2. Implement Alert Zone Optimization: Ensure alert thresholds adjust appropriately when resizing infrastructure to avoid redundant alerts and mask real issues.

Assessing Hidden Over-provisioning

To uncover potential over-provisioning, ask:

1. Do you frequently face downtimes due to infrastructure capacity?

2. What's your alert coverage (ALCOM score) on your infrastructure?

3. What's your mechanism for resizing based on the color zones?

4. After resizing, how are thresholds reset?

The Path to Lean Operations

Prioritizing alert systems doesn't mean immediate 100% coverage. Instead, adopt a phased approach:

- Enhance coverage gradually

- Fine-tune alert triggers

- Ensure each alert is actionable

This strategy ensures high uptime without the wastefulness of over-provisioning.

The DevOps Challenge

As businesses grow, maintaining dedicated DevOps teams becomes expensive. Increasingly, developer teams are tasked with both infrastructure monitoring and development. However, developers often lack the experience to manage multiple resources effectively.

Introducing Temperstack: A Solution for Efficient Alerting

Temperstack addresses these challenges by acting as an overlay on current monitoring tools. It streamlines alert setup and audit by:

- Assessing alert completeness

- Identifying and deploying missing alerts

- Scanning for new resources to ensure comprehensive alerting

- Providing contextual and actionable information via AI and LLMs

This tool takes just 5 minutes to set up. It scans all your infrastructure and application services for existing alerts and provides an Alert Completeness Score (ALCOM). Temperstack then offers a list of missing alerts, allowing you to map them to the right teams and environments and deploy them with one click.

Temperstack integrates seamlessly with AWS CloudWatch, GCP, Azure, New Relic, Datadog, Splunk, Appdynamics, Dynatrace, PagerDuty, OpsGenie, voice call, Slack , MS teams & email notifications.


Over-provisioning, when seen as a strategy, is a short-term solution with long-term consequences. Emphasizing the importance of measuring and improving alert coverage is crucial for businesses aiming for lean, efficient operations. Armed with precise insights and a well-configured alert system, companies can truly optimize their resources, merging efficiency with uninterrupted service.

By addressing the hidden costs of over-provisioning and implementing robust alerting systems, businesses can achieve a delicate balance between resource efficiency and operational reliability. This approach not only cuts unnecessary expenses but also paves the way for scalable, resilient infrastructure management in the long run.

Tools like Temperstack offer a path forward, enabling businesses to maintain high uptime without resorting to wasteful over-provisioning. By embracing such solutions, companies can ensure they're not just keeping the lights on, but doing so in the most efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

About the Author

Hari is an accomplished engineering leader and innovator with over 15 years of experience across various industries. Currently serving as the cofounder and CTO of Temperstack, Hari has been instrumental in scaling engineering teams, products, and infrastructure to support hyper-growth. Previously, he held Director of Engineering positions at Practo, Dunzo, Zeta, and Aknamed, where he consistently drove innovation and operational excellence.


Over-provisioning Exposed: The Hidden Costs of Inadequate Alerting

Hari Prashanth K R | Co- Founder & CTO Temperstack

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